Wednesday 9 September 2015

Meet our Honey Almast, our CEO!

Honey Almast
"Honey! I'm home!" "I love you Honey!" "I want to be with my Honey," are just a few examples of things we hear at the office. The weird part is that everyone says it, not to each other but to the same person.

Affectionately called "boo-boo" by the Musician and she has an official title which is hard to come by in any startup. So meet, our CEO, Honey Almast! She is our oldest employee at 42 years old.
I was first introduced to Honey at the time of my interview where she spent twenty five minutes yelling at me when I entered but had calmed down while i was interviewing for the job. Ever since then she has always been at the door greeting every Smartican that enters.

Her day is simple, wake up, say hello to people, sleep, wake up and check that everyone is working and then sleep again when everyone has left. Honey is an asset to this company, and not a single day goes by where she isn't the biggest motivational force we have. Honey is our office dog and Chief Entertainment Officer.

Everyday, we paws and appreciate her. She may be a dog but without her here, life is ruff.

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